
Current Obsession: Hearth & Hand with Magnolia (#NotAnAd)

Give me all the sweetly rustic gorgeousness.

The other day, I stopped into Target to buy a pair of ballet tights for my daughter, and then accidentally spent three hundred dollars.

(This happens literally – LITERALLY – every single time I “just run into Target real quick, just for one thing,” and by now I should know better, but apparently I do not.) This time, the culprit was a new line called “Hearth & Hand with Magnolia” (created in collaboration with the Fixer-Upper couple), but you know what? In this case I am A-OK with having been ambushed by galvanized metal and faux reclaimed wood, because the inside of my house is now as festive and adorable as the outside, and I sort of feel like a superhero for having picked up pieces this good for prices this ridiculously low. (I’m also aware that I’m a huge sucker; no need to remind me of the The Man’s scheming ways.)

The line has oh my god, so many good things, but the I have to say: the holiday-specific items might be my favorites. Chic and simple, with none of the fussiness you typically see associated with holiday decor – and so well-priced that I now have an excuse to own something called a “House Log Holder” (don’t judge me; you know you want one, too).




Galvanized Metal Tree Collar

Tree skirts make me insane: they’re messy-looking, my dogs like to shed and pee on them, and they usually involve smocking. I picked up this tree collar, and AHHHHH. Simple, elegant, and totally pee-free. (For now.)


Cedar & Magnolia Candle

I bought one of these oversized candles because it was only $19.99 and smelled EXACTLY like what I want my house to smell like in the winter…and then went back the next day and bought two more (see: only $19.99).


Wreath Collection

These wreaths are a little less like the ones you’d find in Aunt Cynthia’s foyer, and a little more like the ones hanging in the windows of that chic hotel you can’t afford to staycation in.


The Dinnerware, Generally

Look. At. Those. Plates.

(Omg the metal chargers.)


House Log Holder

I totally didn’t get the appeal of this house-shaped wire-thing when I saw it in the store…but now that I have witnessed what it looks like actually filled up with logs, it turns out that I am consumed by the desire to own a house-shaped wire-thing.


Cocoa Pot

I’m not a huge cocoa-drinker, but I feel like for this one I could pick up the habit.


Striped Woven Table Runner

Table runners aren’t usually my jam because a) why, exactly, do we need to put a piece of fabric on the table in the precise spot that ensures that it will be stained with gravy spots the first time it’s used, and b) just…why?

But this simple, rustic runner makes me feel like I, too, could have an elegantly cozy table; the kind where spilled gravy just makes everyone laugh.


Striped Cooking Apron

It is so bizarrely difficult to find a non-terrible cooking apron.

I like this one so much.


Plaid Coir Doormat

Doormats reside in the canon of things I didn’t know people cared about before I moved to the suburbs, and now I’m one of those weirdos who stalks the doormat aisle in department stores in search of Just The Right One (you know, the one that’s approachable! yet refined. streamlined! yet hardy. et cetera).

This is Just The Right One.


Round Wood and Wire Tray

Let’s not even talk about the mugs you see up there, because why distract from the perfection of this adorable tray?

It’s so adorable. And one of the many – oh, so many – nuggets of profound wisdom that I have acquired over the years (and am feeling generous enough to share) is this:

One can never have too many adorable trays.


Distressed Brass Wall Mirrors

Is it possible to own too many mirrors?


(Especially not when they look like this.)

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