Just A Little Encouragement

10 Fun (And Kind Of Weird) Ways To Use Up Your FSA Account


It’s that time of year again: the time of year when you realize that you still have a bunch of money sitting in your FSA account, all unspent and ready to be snatched up by The Man. Now, my family actually has the magic ability to guarantee that there will be an ER trip in the days leading up to the new year – all we have to do is book a trip to Ohio, and bam: full-family stomach flus and broken bones abound), but unless you’re similarly blessed, you might be wondering how to use up your tax-free health bucks.

First, here are a few important points to consider:

  1. If you have leftover money in your FSA, your plan likely permits you to either roll a max of $500 into the next calendar year, or to continue using your existing funds for 2 1/2 months past the end of the calendar year (but not both).
  2. The list of procedures that you can submit extends beyond what you might expect. Expenses associated with chiropractic visits, acupuncture treatments, abortions, birth control and mental health counseling – as well as travel expenses associated with medical care – can all be submitted for reimbursement.
  3. If you don’t have dental or vision insurance, you can submit those costs for FSA reimbursement, so now is a great time to update your prescription or get a tooth cleaning.

OK, now assuming you’ve considered all of the above and still have a bunch of money left to spend, did you know that the FSA has an actual store? Truth! (I just discovered this myself.) You can use your money to buy things like massaging gel shoe inserts! And Band-Aids! And LIP BALM.

You can also buy the 10 products below, which are my personal faves and ones I strongly suggest you consider.


Vibrating Face Mask

This product allegedly treats pain associated with migraines and such, but can also be used for meditation and travel.

It’s also a vibrating face mask. I’m not sure what additional information you need if that fact alone doesn’t make you want it.


Kenko Ruby Acupressure Mat

This mat and pillow set utilizes acupressure to relieve back and neck pain, help with headaches and migraines, and improve circulation.


Supergoop Perk Up Lip & Cheek Tint

This is a barely-there lip and cheek tint that has SPF 40 protection.

The fact that this is FSA-eligible is so wonderful.


Adventure Medical First Aid Kit

You might have noticed I’m on a bit of a “prepare thyself for the End of Times” kit, what with the stocking up on Lifestraws that I can use to drink my pool water and emergency food ration supplies.

Even if you’re not feeling as apocalyptic as I am, everybody should have a well-stocked first aid kit. Please?


La Roche-Posay Anthelios SPF 50 Correcting Primer

love La Roche-Posay sun protection products – they’re super lightweight and feel great on your skin – and this is literally a chance to own luxe makeup that is also sunscreen.


dpl Foot Pain Relief Slippers

I’m not entirely sure what these are, but I have a feeling they would result in Kendrick having feet shoved in his face (“just massage them for a seconnnnnnnd pleeeeeeeeeease”) way less, and that’s probably a good thing for our marriage.


Coola Mineral LipLux SPF 30

Another fancy tinted lip balm.



Boogie Wipes

If you’re a parent, you’re already aware of Boogie Wipes and the fact that they’re miracles.

If you’re not a parent, you should have these anyway, because grownups get boogies too.


Back-A-Line Lumbar Support

The fact that I actually would like to own this makes me feel so. Old.

But if you, too, sit in front of a computer all day long, I think you feel me on this. creative ways to use up your fsa account


Tulip the Bunny Ouchie Cap

I can’t.

Thank you for existing, FSA store.

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