

We Made A Movie

A few days ago, my son and I were in the car and decided to pass some time by coming up with a story together. There was a guy. A pirate. And he had a dog named Lucy. And then there was this other pirate. And so on.

When we got home, I thought I'd show him what a "storyboard" was (it's basically a series of - usually sketchily drawn - images that shows you every frame of a commercial/tv show/movie and how it'll be shot). Once we had the storyboard, it made sense to start putting together costumes. And once we had the costumes, well...

We obviously had to make a movie.


Our Weird Little Stranded New Year’s (Video)

Oh hey! We're home from Ohio. Two days after we left. Suffice it to say that spending New Year's Eve figuring out how to get the rest of the way across the country was not in the original plan.

I should just start traveling with, like, a full-on astronaut supply kit, just in case we accidentally find ourselves stuck in the Alaskan wilderness one day. With no luggage. And the flu. (If history is any indication, this could totally happen.)


Oh, Ew

do recipes for jello gelatin worms actually work?

The other day I was at Children's Storytime at the library, and I ran into my friend Brianna, who was there with her niece (who happens to be Goldie's BFF). I mentioned that we were throwing Indy a "spooky party" for his fifth birthday, and she said "OH. You have to make worms!"

Apparently there is a recipe all over the Internet that explains how one can pour raspberry Jell-O into bendy straws, and somehow end up with worms.



The Cake Emergency

The other day, I made a phone call to my friend Alisa - the one who helped me make this little masterpiece - that began with the words "Cake emergency! CAKE EMERGENCY!"

(You didn't know cake-baking could be an emergency situation? Then you clearly haven't been reading this website long enough.)

I was just starting dinner on Friday night when I realized that I had completely and totally forgotten that I had promised to bake a very fancy, very labor-intensive cake for my friend's daughter's birthday party the very next morning. I realized this because my friend sent me a text reading "So how's the cake look?!" - to which I, of course, responded, "Great!"

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