

Our House: A Quick Tour, Just For Fun

I have no idea why it took me three years to do a house tour. And now is a weird time to do it, I guess, being as we only have about two months left here.

But I love our house so much, and I wanted you to see it…and I also wanted to have a video that our kids can look back on and see where they spent the first few months and years of their lives. And since right now is very literally the cleanest our house ever has been and ever will be, I thought I'd go ahead and make it happen.


Experiments In Random Home Movie-Making

This weekend I had to do a whole bunch of filming for a couple of projects I'm working on…so we thought we'd just keep it going, picking up the camera whenever we felt like it and filming bits and pieces of whatever we were up to.

What we ended up capturing: everything from a panic attack (or, okay, two), misadventures in working-at-home-with-children, first-thing-in-the-morning grumpiness (oh my hair), a lot of road-trip ruminating (as much as I sound all Anxious Annie, please believe me when I say that's just because I'm a crazy over preparer, because I cannot tell you how OUT OF MY MIND EXCITED I am about this), and a major milestone on our son's part (eeeee!!!).

Let me know if you like this kind of post? It's super fun for us to put together, so if you're into the occasional home video mishmash, just say the word!

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