
My Looks

24 Week Check-In

Hatch dressDKNY vestDeux Lux backpack }

I hit the 6-month mark this week (! this is going fast)…and finally started feeling the awesome energy burst that is supposed to characterize the whole second trimester.

The truth is that this pregnancy has been way harder, physically, than my first: I had worse morning sickness (and was still sick here and there until just a couple of weeks ago), and fatigue that lasted well up through my fifth month (and that I assume will be coming back to make an appearance in Trimester Three)…but I attribute about 90% of the exhaustion to the fact that I'm a mom already, which means constant motion and not a whole lot of time to chill out and lay down, even if laying down is kind of what I need to do.

Makeup & Beauty

How-To: Boho Braids

When warm weather arrives, so do The Braids. Seriously: there is no easier solution for a running-around-town style…and adding a little sparkle means the look can go from day to night, as well.

P.S. Not a huge fan of the word "boho"…but this look kind of is. Boho. So what can you do?


Mini Tip: Switch Up Your Earrings

I'm on set several days this week for a Snuggle campaign (which means - yes - that I get to meet The Bear at some point; I am weirdly excited about this). The crew working on this project includes some of my absolute favorite people in the industry, such as hair and makeup artist Kerry Lou (pictured with me above), videographer John (who shot all of my JITH segments), and stylist Felix, who I've known for years and who never fails to send me home with some completely random (and genius) wardrobe idea that I would never, ever have thought of on my own.

Yesterday's Felix Wisdom: when you're wearing earrings with a detail on only one side (like the pair pictured above), try putting them on your ears the reverse way, with the post going through from the back, so that the side with the detail frames your face - as opposed to only being visible when you turn your head. (Especially good if you're taking lots of forward-facing photographs, such as for a wedding.)

My Looks

Comfort Zone

Anthropologie tunicDeux Lux Karma Clutch; DIY-ed distressed jeans (tutorial) }

I don't know whether it's the warm air or what, but something's in the water lately: everyone is just so nice. The other day I went into the city to shoot a segment and hung around for awhile afterwards to get a few errands done (including a stop into Anthropologie to return a broken necklace, which I exchanged for the completely amazing tank pictured here)…and it was lovely.

As a point of reference, what usually happens when I go into the city for the day is I am instantly reminded of all the things about city life that make me glad that I'm close by, but no longer a resident. Like the people. Who are very numerous, and often very angry. And that many people being that angry…it makes me angry, too. And I hate hate hate being angry, because I get rude, and then I instantly feel guilty and beat myself up about it for the remainder of the day. A few weeks ago when I went in for a meeting I was trying to get off of the subway and got so frustrated by the fact that not one single person would move away from the door and allow me to take even one single step off that I actually yelled:

Makeup & Beauty

How-To: Perfect Self-Tanner Application

It’s happening!

Finally, the warm weather is just about here. But while most of us are certainly ready to embrace the sun’s rays in spirit, we (meaning me, as you can see here) could still use a little prep work before we start skipping off in shorts and skirts with our winter-pale skin out for all to see.

To the rescue: the perfect self-tanner application.

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