
Makeup & Beauty

An Argument In Favor Of Press-On Nails (Really)

The dream

I've had dalliances with fake nails in the past. I know acrylics aren't great for your nails - and I extra-know this because one of these dalliances ended with water seeping into the space between the acrylic and my real nails, unbeknownst to me, and turning my nails a glorious and semi-permanent chocolate brown (oh yes, that happened) - but they're just so tempting. 

As a person who is genetically incapable of growing her nails beyond the ends of her fingertips without them essentially dissolving, there are few things that make me feel more elegant and feminine than perfectly shaped, perfectly polished long nails. And in pursuit of that goal I've basically tried it all: gel polish, strengthening polish, letting my nails breathe to see if they'll reward me by growing, and - yes - acrylics.

My Looks

Best Zara Picks, According To Me: Spring 2019 Edition

I did not buy this skirt. That was a mistake. (Fixing it.)

For the past few months, I've been pretty good about keeping my shopping at a minimum thanks to my Rent the Runway Unlimited subscription: Every time I'm in a store and think "Ooh! I want to buy this!" I remember that the little high that you get from a new clothing purchase is a) temporary, and b) something I can get via RTR.

Except I just cancelled my subscription, and here's why: In the wintertime, it made sense to me because winter clothing is more expensive, more fussy, and more situation-specific (holiday parties and what have you). In the summer, I default to a uniform of Whatever Is Lightweight And Comfortable, and I simply can't imagine wanting to rent, like, a structured blouse or designer dress. I just don't care enough.

Makeup & Beauty

Just A Few On-Set Discoveries


Little entertainment industry Insider Info for you: There are few places on this planet more fun to hang out in than a makeup and hair room when everyone's all jacked up on caffeine (a.k.a. all the time). Because the day may start with chit chat about, say, politics, but the conversation always boils down to two things:

1) Men (see also: men, terrible)


Noritake’s New ColorTex Dinnerware Gives Me All The Beachy Feels

Reformation Maxi Dress

I’ve been mixing and matching Noritake’s dinnerware for years - my first collaboration with them dates back to my Upper East Side days (#memories) - but my adoration of their new collection is so complete that I wanted to showcase this one solo. It’s just so simple and sculptural and fresh-feeling - and I’m obsessed with the fact that all the pieces are modular, with each plate being matched in size to serve as a lid for one of the bowls (coooool). 

The best thing about the ColorTex dinnerware, though, is how versatile it is: You can dress it up, dress it down, and make it feel seasonally appropriate whether it’s snowing or sunny. What I decided to do here: Create a simple beach-inspired tablescape using whatever beachy bits and bobs I had laying around - some driftwood, shells, and little vintage candleholders that I use as miniature vases - and layer the dishes in whatever ways made sense for each person sitting at the table. 

Beauty Tutorials

Riddle Perfume Oil: Review And Giveaway

Made a little review video of all seven of Riddle Oil's Signature Scents, because why pack for tomorrow's trip to New York when I can lay on the floor in my living room and yammer on about perfume?

My thoughts exactly.

ANYWAY. Remember how I was going on and on and on about my new discovery (which is apparently a total cult classic, a.k.a. not really *my* discovery, but there you go)? I'm giving away five prizes, each of which includes all seven Riddle Oil signature scents in 3ml roll-ons, as well as a .5oz Botanicals Face Oil.

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