You know how all the kids these days are into late eighties/early nineties fashion? Actual, under-the-legal-drinking-age children who don't even know who Kirk Cameron is are wandering around all "oh I totally invented this bowler hat and chiffon dress look" (no you didn't, that was Winona Ryder).
Well, my darlings, I'll see you your velvet choker and flowered baby doll and raise you A DENIM JACKET WITH A PUFFY PASTORAL SCENE ON IT.
Oh you heard me right.
I feel like there are some things that, when discovered, must be purchased regardless of actual appeal or utility in one's life. Do I have any particular need for a jacket that might actually be the ugliest article of clothing ever created? A jacket that has whales coming out of the pockets?! (Let's not even get into the procession of cows strolling across the back.)