I think we can all agree that back-to-school clothing (and I will always think of fall clothing as “back-to-school” clothing, regardless of my age) is pretty obviously the best. Tank tops and shorts are nice and all, but cozy hats and chunky sweaters and and BOOTS?
And a nice thing about Northern California is that we actually get to experience a little taste of that whole school’s-back-in-session vibe. Sure, we don't have the amazing foliage that everyone gets all atwitter about on the East Coast, but we have, you know...a slight chill in the air. (Or at least we do when you leave the immediate vicinity of our house, which is located in the baking-hot South Bay, and head thirty minutes in any direction, where temperatures drop twenty degrees and the fog rolls in. Which is really all the excuse I need to do a little autumn shopping.)