

American Classics

Fall is so exciting, no?

It's the whole Back To School thing; I mean, I haven't set foot in a classroom for more years now than I care to think about (save for a very expensive and slightly misguided stint at NYU for a Masters in Hospitality Management)...but still: the chill in the air makes me want to buy things like pencils and Trapper Keepers. But since I don't have a ton of use for the aforementioned items, new, autumn-hued (and wildly affordable) clothing will have to do.

Let's talk pattern-mixing. I love how the sheer paisley blouse and the striped cardigan totally shouldn't work together, but do, and the reasons are these: 1) one pattern is small while the other is large, 2) both items are in the same color family, and 3) the rest of the outfit is simple as can be.

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