My Looks

My Looks

Flowers In The Fall

The best part about this whole make-a-summery-dress-work-in-the-fall thing? The money-saving potential. Because not only do you probably have all the essential elements sitting right there in your closet right now...even if you don't (or are just in the mood to do a little shopping), guess what's on sale right now?

Summery dresses.

I found the designer dress pictured above at T.J.Maxx for $119 (I know) and wanted to buy it to wear to next spring's weddings...but I also want to wear it right now, because it's too pretty not to.

My Looks

Leopard & Cheetah

During the I.N.C. show on Saturday, one of the models was wearing the same leopard-print sweater I had on, and I said something to the audience along the lines of, "If animal prints make you nervous, remember: you can never go wrong if you just stick to one animal-print piece per outfit." And Camila looked at me and said, "When you showed up this morning, I think you were wearing three."



My Looks

Pants That Work For Work (And Weekend)

I found the perfect pair of pants once: they were silky, black, and bootcut, with a mid-rise waist and a neat hook-and-eye closure. I spent way too much money on them because they were perfect, and perfect pants can feel impossible to find…and when you do find them it seems like you should probably buy them (preferably in triplicate) just in case you never come across another pair that fits you that well ever again.

That was about a decade ago. I wore those pants for years and years until the hems frayed and the seams fell apart and they ended up in the donation box, headed straight for Goodwill.

Finding a great pair of pants shouldn’t be especially difficult. But apparently it’s not just me who has trouble with this particular undertaking: pants, it turns out, are a tough buy for pretty much everyone. LOFT did a study with 10,000 real women in which the participants tried on hundreds of pairs of pants and explained exactly what they liked and didn’t like, and found that for most women buying a pair of pants is even more challenging than buying a swimsuit. In response, they set out to completely reimagine how women approach the experience of shopping for pants….and it worked.

What LOFT came up with: a Fall 2013 collection that includes 45 different pants options and a “fit tree” that helps women find the perfect pair for them.

My Looks

Onyx And Jade

I don't wear a ton of color. I try to - I aspire to...but I don't. So when I own something like a pair of green ombre jeans, the easiest way for me to ensure that I actually wear them (rather than just taking them out of my closet every so often, thinking how pretty they look, and then putting them right on back) is to pair them with neutral everything-else.

Speaking of the everything-else: the blouse shown here is a new addition to my wardrobe, but that doesn't make any sense - it's so exactly what I want to wear every single day (silky feel, relaxed fit, wide v-neckline) that I really should have owned it already. (Both the blouse and the jeans are from NYDJ; I'm working with them on a collaboration this summer. You can see all my picks for a warm-weather travel wardrobe here.)

The final touches: a gold circlet necklace that I recently rediscovered in my jewelry drawer and have been wearing nearly every day, a pair of flats with bows on the toes, and a touch of tortoiseshell.

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