My Looks

My Looks

Zsa Zsa Zu (Or: That Time I Wore My Pink Pants To An Alleyway)

When I was trying to think of a title for this post the words "zsa zsa zu" kept popping into my head. I knew I'd heard that somewhere, but couldn't for the life of me figure out where, or what it meant. And so I googled, and oh:

Sex and the City.

For serious, is like every cultural reference available to women of my general age bracket related to Sex and the City? (I think the answer might be yes.)

My Looks

A Thing That I Wear And Also Don’t

I own two pairs of leather pants. Let me show you the first pair. I don't wear them.

Here they are (in a photo shoot I did last fall for Kipling; I don't typically stand in the middle of extremely busy and car-laden streets waving bags around) .

The reason I do not wear these pants is because they are blue, and there are like three places on the planet for which blue leather pants constitute appropriate attire. And none of them are in the suburbs.


This Is Today

You know when you are delicately toeing the line between feeling totally a-OK and maybe having the bubonic plague, and the difference between one state and the other, is, like, half an hour of sleep, or maybe a vitamin?

Well, when you are feeling that way, here is what I suggest that you not do: go out until one in the morning, drink really quite a lot of champagne, and then wake up with your children at…oh god, I don't even know when they're waking up these days. ALL THE TIME. All the time is when they're waking up.

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