You’ve heard me moaning about my oft-troublesome skin from time to time: the post-pregnancy period has been less-than-kind to my face, and now with the weather turning…I’ve had it.
Makeup & Beauty
Exciting Announcement: Dove Hair Brand Ambassadorship
I have some news that I've been waiting to share with you for awhile now, but no longer! I am over-the-moon excited to tell you that for the next year, I'm going to be joining the Dove Hair team as their Brand Ambassador.
Just A Little Shout-Out To Two Of My Favorite New Makeup Discoveries
Both of which I wore to the beach yesterday in an effort to be all retro-glam...
2-Minute Makeup: Spring Tangerine
Lust Object
I just read about Armani Beauty Rouge Sheer d'Armani Lipstick in Acid Tangerine in Allure - they said that it goes on sheer but has staying power - and now I need to try it ASAP. That color! Gorgeous.