Makeup & Beauty

Makeup & Beauty

Test-Run: Press-On Manicure

Just to skip ahead to the end: I love these. Because they are pretty and weird-easy to apply, and also because I am lazy about my nails and products like press-on nails are basically a godsend.

Never in a million years would I be capable of growing out my nails so that they were lovely and even, and even if I were capable of such a feat I would not be able to work it out so that I would not chip or smudge or otherwise irreparably destroy my polish within thirty seconds of application. I've played around with nail strips and DIY Gel Manicure Kits in the past, and the ImPRESS kit is my favorite faux nail solution by far.

How it works:

Makeup & Beauty

DIY Sugar Lip Exfoliator

My lips are a mess lately. Red, chapped, painful, flaky, all that.

I carry lip balm with me everywhere I go and apply it like a nut, but still: they're a mess. It's the whole dry-heat-inside/winter-air-outside thing; it just does a number on me.

The past few days have been especially bad, so last night I went on a hunt for some very fancy and expensive lip exfoliator that I remembered picking up at an event months and months ago. Alas, it appears that the very fancy and expensive lip exfoliator was sacrificed to The Moving Gods.

But you know what I did find while searching for a fix for my flakiness?

Makeup & Beauty

New Color, New Care

Q. Can you post some photos of your hair color? I have a hair appointment coming up and need inspiration!

A. I went quite a bit lighter this time than I usually do; I wanted to look nice and summery for next week's trip, but was also just generally looking for something a little different. My colorist, Doug at John Sahag Workshop, usually does balayage, but this time he lightened up the base color with a mild single process (only left on for about five minutes) before adding highlights.

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