Makeup & Beauty

Makeup & Beauty

It’s The Most Wonderful Tiiiiiime Of The Year

Black Polish [bullet] Matte Top Coat

I've posted about this look before, but it's good enough that it deserves a repeat. Mostly because it was inspired by The Craft. (Obviously.) This manicure basically a mashup between a black manicure and a traditional French manicure, and works with pretty much any costume…but is still elegant enough to go to the office the next morning.

Makeup & Beauty

Calme et Saine

jordan reid ramshackle glam

The other day, my son came into my bedroom to wake me up, and when I rolled over to say good morning to him he scrunched up his eyes. “Mom?” he asked, “Why is your face so red?”

Excellent question, my love. The answer could be one of a thousand things, from the fact that I drank too much coffee yesterday to the fact that I forgot to use my hydrating moisturizer before bed or the fact that I woke up to retrieve wayward stuffed bunnies and water cups six times last night. “Sensitive” doesn’t even cut it as a description for my skin; it reacts in a major way to everything from pollution to stress and fatigue. And during the transitional parts of the year, as it adjusts to warmer or cooler weather, keeping it calm becomes an even trickier prospect.

Makeup & Beauty

The Publicity Photo Mini-Makeover

Love this photo...but mostly love this girl

While I was in the city last week, Erin and I decided to tick off one of our to-dos and shoot some photos to use for book publicity purposes – like for press releases and such, since people tend to request a photo to go along with the text. Obviously I’m not exactly in short supply in the photo department, but we strangely don’t have any shots of us together (save for one or two massively, massively awkward ones, which I love quite a lot but are mayyyybe not exactly what people are referring to when they request an “author photo”).

So we booked a photographer, chose outfits that were respectably non-clashing (I wore the same thing that I wore in this post because I shot both at the same time), and tried to stand next to each other and simultaneously look like normal-ish human beings (which is not as easy as you might think). First, though, we got our hair done, because who doesn’t want to have pretty hair for a photograph? Nobody, that’s who. And when you’re dealing with Manhattan-in-July heat and humidity, sometimes it’s nice to get some professional help.

Makeup & Beauty

Next Level

Jordan Reid

Greenhorn Ranch | Quincy, CA 

Whenever you travel, you end up forgetting something. On last week’s trip to Greenhorn Ranch, in Northern California, that thing ended up being two things: my shampoo and conditioner, specifically. Which are unfortunate things to forget, especially when you find yourself essentially in the middle of nowhere and in the company of realllly a lot of dust and sun and other things that tend to dry out already super-dry hair like mine.

So what I decided to do for the week was go next-level with the haircare routine I wrote about a few weeks ago, and try to get even more volume and waves into my (already pretty voluminous and wavy) hair.

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