Gabrielle and I spent Friday afternoon taste-testing a variety of absinthe preparations (all using her homemade recipe), and I was pleasantly surprised to discover how delicious absinthe is.
Essex Brunch
Saturday started with brunch a deux at one of my favorite spots, Essex, on the LES. It's definitely a scene - and one of the louder places I've ever been in my life (very odd acoustics in that place) - but you can't beat $18 for a fantastic meal plus three (!) Bloody Marys or mimosas.
Easiest-Ever Salmon Pasta
I arrived home from the Sophie Elgort event around 9:30, half-starving, only to find my husband in the same condition...and almost nothing in our refrigerator.
Saturday: Food Festival / Maritime
On Saturday morning, Kendrick and I hit the 9th Avenue Food Festival. On our way there, we realized that this exact festival - on this exact day, three years ago - was the site of one of our very first dates.
F This
I’ve repeatedly voiced my belief that cleanses are unhealthy and unnecessary, and this didn’t do a whole lot to change my mind.