Thank you so very much to Allie Beau for the genius suggestion to throw a little mango onto my kabobs.
Garlic-Rubbed Roast Pork w/ Lemon-Asparagus Salad & A Poached Egg
What usually happens is that Kendrick rolls in somewhere around 7:30 and I whiplash my head towards the kitchen, hoping to catch unawares the little sprite who has been merrily fixing dinner all the while, unbeknownst to me.
Honey-Glazed Carrots
I'm not a very out-of-the-box thinker when it comes to veggie sides: I like them straightforward, easy-to-prepare, and at least passably pretty.
Tip Of The Day: Keep Brown Sugar Soft
I hate it when I'm midway through baking and break out the brown sugar only to discover that it's turned into one enormous, impenetrable I love this tip to bits:
To keep your brown sugar soft, just pop a couple of marshmallows in the bag. Why? Because Stay Pufts, it appears, are highly skilled at locking in moisture. (If you're out of marshmallows, try sticking the sugar into a microwave-safe container and placing a slice of bread on top. Seal the container, microwave for 15 seconds, and the moisture from the bread will be released as steam, softening up your sugar and making it easier to de-clump.)
Another fun way to use marshmallows: if you place a marshmallow on top of a cupcake 30 seconds or so before it's ready to come out of the oven, the result is insta-frosting. Just FYI, because marshmallow frosting is good.
BrownieCakes, a.k.a. Chocolate Chubbies
Remember how I said to be cautious when reprinting chef's recipes and changing things up, because chefs tend to be prickly about specifics? Well, when it's a family member's recipe you're reprinting, you can take a few more liberties con permiso. My Aunt Debbie calls these "Chocolate Chubbies" (admittedly also a cute name); I think they taste like brownies that have been transformed into adorable little crunchy cookie-cakes, and so here, on Ramshackle Glam, BrownieCakes they shall be.