Jordan Reid is the cheerful, creative writer and television host behind the blog Ramshackle Glam, a great site that offers everything from simple, yummy dinner ideas, to reviews of hot vacation spots, to how to’s for fixing up old furniture or making homemade pickles.
Ramshackle Glam / Daily Beast Buzz Board
Check out Ramshackle Glam, a website I, and dozens of other current and former New York City twentysomethings I know check every day...
Jordan Reid / Cosmopolitan
Check it out if you get a chance - they interviewed me about our break-in for an article about the potential dangers of sharing your life on the internet.
Today on
Tips for organizing your home office and advice on making the most of minimal space.
Women in Tech-Media Event
At last night's Women in Tech-Media event, with (L to R) Dorothy McGivney, founder of Jauntsetter, Jennifer Hyman, CEO of Rent the Runway, and Tammy Tibbetts, founder of She's the First.