

Absolution L’Eau Soir Et Matin

I was introduced to this new line today at a meeting, and adored it: eco-friendly packaging, organic ingredients, and super-cool, customizable products.

My favorite: L'Eau Soir Et Matin (pictured at left), which is a cleansing flower water/toner that removes all makeup and deposits nice things (like hazelnut oil, Neroli and geranium) onto your skin, and that doesn't need to be washed off. This is the kind of product you'd keep by the bed with some tissues for an extra-lazy night, or stash in your desk drawer to wipe off your day makeup before freshening up to go out for the evening.

Absolution also offers a lovely basic moisturizer that you mix with various skin-specific "solutions" (anti-aging, revitalizing, etc) right there on the top of the bottle, sort of like an artist's palette (click here and scroll down to see the illustration).


Chloe & Isabel Launch Party

Last night's launch party for Chloe & Isabel was held at the most spectacular penthouse apartment that, as it turns out, recently belonged to Marc Jacobs, and still contains most of the original furnishings.

So these amazing throw pillows make perfect sense.


Bliss Fabulips Event

At last night's Bliss event over at the W on Lex, with Casey (whose company was hosting). The event was held to celebrate the release of the Fabulips Treatment Kit, which is basically a mini-facial for, yes, your lips (it's offered as an add-on to any facial treatment at Bliss Spas, or you can purchase the products at Sephora).

These tomato tartlets have nothing to do with lips or spa treatments, but were so weirdly delicious that I had to show them to you anyway. They're just little cracker cups filled with diced tomatoes, mint, cheese, and a couple of seed (or maybe nut?) things...but whoa, good. You can make your own mocked-up version by piling some diced tomatoes, finely sliced mint leaves, and some mild shredded cheese onto a regular old store-bought cracker.


Sussex Flea Market

We spent all day yesterday wandering around the enormous Sussex Flea Market (a once-a-year extravaganza with some of the best product - and prices - I've ever seen at a flea market). Flea markets located hundreds of miles from your home can be a little frustrating, because that antique high chair or two-hundred-dollar, pristine-condition farmhouse kitchen table really just can't come home with you...but I made do with lots of other, smaller finds.

Remember the Berenstain Bears?! I loved them - I think I remember having one about a treehouse or something like that. In any case, big stack of books for the baby's library for $4? Yep!

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