Reader Question: Does anyone have any tips on how to search Etsy?
Tuleste Market / Favorite Picks
Good news: the e-commerce site for Tuleste Market (the makers of the stamped crocodile and stingray bangles that I wear just about every single day of my life) is finally up and running!
Trying to keep warm bit pre-shoot with a giant mug of coffee. OK, now I'd really like my landlord to turn on the heat (but in the meantime, I have to stick to these quick cozy-up-your-home ideas).
Sunday Snapshots
We started the day hanging out in the kitchen sunbeams with the kids and some coffee.
Our Wild Saturday Night
I hated this movie, with a viciousness that I'm a little confused by, to be honest...I usually don't have such strongly negative reactions to films. But to me, it felt like two bratty, egotistical actors...