

I’ve only eaten a jumbo turkey leg in this manner (meat in paw) once before in my life, at a Great Adventure in Atlanta, and pretty much levitated with joy upon seeing that they were being sold at the concert. They are DELICIOUS…especially when paired with Budweiser.

Kendrick’s jean jacket, Theory tank, Frankie B. jeans, MOMA pocketwatch necklace, vintage bracelet and belt.


Last night, we all headed over to the Blake Shelton concert in Crystal River, which was loads of fun. Above, I’m eating alligator. Tastes like chicken. Really.

If you’d like to try alligator meat but don’t have an awesome country/western concert to go to in the near future, check out (they also sell turducken, crawfish, and other Southern specialities).  

If you’re craving some Southern deliciousness, also check out my buddy The Cajun Boy’s website.

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