

Julia, me and Meghan spent Day 1 at the beach outside the Hotel St. Barts Isle de France. Coming up the stairs, you’re greeted with this stunning view. I immediately ran into the ocean, and was immediately taken down by a wave that very nearly divested me of my bikini top.


The Red Cross set up a flea market in the harbor, with all proceeds going to the victims of the Haitian earthquake.

If you’d like to donate, go here for a list of ways to give.


Herbes de Provence is a traditional blend of aromatic herbs that flourish in the south of France, and is used to flavor a wide variety of foods (try rubbing it onto meat before roasting or tossing some into a pizza sauce). It also makes a lovely gift if packaged in little terracotta jars (the traditional way they’re packaged) or muslin bags (buy them here).

While lots of different combinations of herbs can be used to create herbes de Provence, this is a nice, basic recipe from

1 tablespoon dried basil

1 tablespoon marjoram

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