


Tonight with one of Meghan’s favorite people, Alex Rigopulos, the talented and charismatic creator of Rock Band.

And yes, we all - Alex, Kendrick, Jordan, Meghan, Erica Huss (the founder of Blueprint Cleanse!) and her friend Erika W. - performed Don’t Stop Believing in the Rock Band tournament at The Pour House.

Megs & I were on vocals and got a 94%, thankyouverymuch.



With Jordan & Meghan at The Pour House tonight.  They had delicious appetizers, of which I did not partake, as I’m on Day 2 of a five day Blueprint Cleanse right now.  Totally worth it, though!!  I feel better than I have in weeks.  (I haven’t had any Blueprint since November, I believe).

Juice cleanse generously provided by Blueprint.

Well, someone had to wear pigtails!


The butcher’s block at Ottomanelli Brothers.

Mark encourages home chefs to purchase at least four different chopping boards: one for chicken, one for beef, one for pork, and one for vegetables. (Alas, I have only two: one for meat and one for vegetables. Whoops.)

To clean chopping boards, Mark suggests adding a very small amount of bleach to water (about a teaspoon to a gallon) and wiping down the board after each use. (I fail on this point as well, but plan to do better in the future!)



In decorating my apartment, I found that I was obsessed with mirrored furniture. Most of it was way out of my budget, except for this lovely mirrored lingerie chest by Pier One.

I too am 100% obsessed with mirrored furniture. I wanted to buy this mirrored vanity for our bedroom when we first moved in, but ended up going the Salvation Army route instead.

I have this home decor fantasy, and I’m wondering if any of you have any ideas about how I might make it come to life. We have an itty bitty water closet off of our dining area (you can kinda see it here), and I think it would be quite incredible to do something dramatic with the space. I would love to paint it a deep blue, and cover the walls with tiny mirrors in different shapes and sizes…sort of creating a constellation effect.

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