

Above, I’m pouring the batter into a 8”x8” cake pan. Dede explained that price actually does seem to matter when it comes to cake pans, as the pricier pans generally create more evenly-baked, flatter cakes (better for icing and stacking, as you don’t have to slice off the top to create a flat surface). However, she cautioned against silicone pans, which she says create a “too-blonde” cake - a little browning adds character and taste.

A couple more fun facts I learned today: 

1. Toasting nuts before using them in cakes is a good idea because it heightens the flavor. Dede toasted the walnuts 5-10 minutes at 350 degrees F, and then let them cool before chopping them (if you chop them when they’re too hot they can get gummy).

2. If a recipe calls for cake flour, you should really try to use it. If, however, you routinely start baking only to realize that you have no cake flour, and know of nowhere you can find the stuff in a one-mile radius (as happens to me…every time I make a cake), you can substitute 7/8 cup of all-purpose flour and a few teaspoons of cornstarch for each cup of cake flour in a pinch.


Megan creaming together butter, sugar, and egg in a KitchenAid mixer. Why I still haven’t bought one of these, I don’t know. They make everything infinitely easier. 


At 9:30 this morning, Megan and I scurried through rush hour traffic to arrive at a baking lesson hosted by Dede Wilson, author of Unforgettable Desserts. We arrived to find a beautiful display of the ingredients we would need to make Dede’s Brown Sugar Buttermilk Snack Cake with Blackberries and Caramel Walnut Drizzle. 


I know this is my second post in as many days about hydration, but it’s been a major concern of mine lately. I feel like I am thirsty all the time, and since I really do drink a lot of fluids, I’m starting to think that maybe the problem may lie with what I’m drinking (no, not vodka infusions exclusively…c’mon, now). 

I drink club soda more than anything else, but my friend Paige recently told me that club soda isn’t hydrating. I told her she was crazy.

BUT, I’m clearly doing something wrong when it comes to hydration, so I decided to do a little research on club soda. Turns out that Paige was kinda right: club soda has salt added, so it’s not actually the best choice - if you prefer carbonated drinks, as I do, seltzer is preferable. Mystery: solved. 

Yet more info about how to stay optimally hydrated can be found here


Right now…at this very moment…I would like to announce that we are purchasing the ORIGINAL LEGEND OF ZELDA via our Wii Virtual Console

I have dreamed of this day for years. I had no idea it would be this easy. Thank you, Wii. Thank you. 

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