

On the way to the USA/Vanity Fair Character Approved Awards at the IAC Building.

I don’t know how to justify the decision to go bare-legged in a blizzard, other than that I was wearing a white dress, and I couldn’t possibly be sicker of wearing tights. And we were late, and I just wanted to get there and eat something. I literally could not feel my knees when I walked through the door…but hey, I wore snow boots (I changed into heels when I got there)…so that’s something, right?

(Right now, my mom is sitting in her office reading this and yelling “JORDAN! PUT ON SOME PANTS!” at her computer screen. Sorry, mama.)


I spent an hour on Monday afternoon puttering about in this wonderful bookshop, which specializes in spiritual literature, and has a wonderful selection of candles, incense, and oils. I was absolutely fascinated with Wicca when I was in high school, and used to spend tons and tons of time in places like Quest. I’d forgotten how peaceful these places make me feel.

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