

I tend to be wary of desserts that don’t involve chocolate (what’s the point?), but this pumpkin pie (a family recipe) is rich and delicious enough to convince me otherwise.

I doubled the recipe because I was making two pies (one for us, one for Stephen and Dave), but it’s still an incredibly cheap and easy dessert to make. I already had the spices in my cabinet and a few eggs in the refrigerator, so all I had to buy was the pumpkin, the evaporated milk, and the pie crusts (yes, I use frozen pie crusts, because they taste exactly the same as fresh ones to me and I’m lazy), which totaled about $8. For two!


Is today absolutely gorgeous, or what? I just took Lucy for a long walk in her fall sweater while sipping on coffee from the corner deli, and was pretty much as happy as can be. This kind of weather always, for some reason, makes me think of the wedding scene at the end of Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves. You know, the scene where Robin and Marian are getting married in the forest, and Marian’s wearing the crown of autumn branches, and then Sean Connery shows up looking debonair and white doves are released into the air? (I tried to find a video, but couldn’t.)

Fun sidenote: I met spazzed out like a crazed fan and essentially tackled Alan Rickman (“I’m going to cut your heart out with a spoon!”) once while living in LA, and all I can say about the encounter is that I’ve never seen a drunker human being in my life. Sexy accent, though. 


Julia’s dress is stunning. I so wish I could wear that color, but jewel tones don’t seem to work on me. Maybe it’s the blonde hair? 


With the birthday boy himself, Facebook’s Dave Morin.  It was arguably the second best party I’ve been to all year - the first being Randi & my bicoastal birthday bash, obviously ;) hahah

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