

My favorite of the three specialty drinks being served at Randi & Julia’s party involved X-Rated, which I alternated with Jack Daniels as my shot of choice when I bartended at Hogs ‘n’ Heifers back in the day. It’s bright pink, but not cloying at all - just delicious.


3-count X-Rated Fusion Liqueur

1-count Fresh watermelon juice


Following an afternoon of pow-wowing (and a little hot-tubbing), we readied our slightly sleepy selves for Party #2.

I was a little confused by last night’s theme - I knew it involved pink, white, preppiness, and the ’80s - so this is what I came up with. Hey, between the four of us we pretty much have all the bases covered.


With Emily (left) and her friend Sydney. Have you ever seen so many headbands in your life? (Oh, and since you can see it in this shot…yep, I wore a black-and-pink polka-dot bra, in keeping with the theme.)

Emily did an absolutely incredible job planning the party; according to Megan, she was “a total lifesaver.” A smart, competent and lovely young woman; I can’t say enough wonderful things about her.

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