

Is this glamour, or is this GLAMOUR?

I wanted very badly to come home with this hat from Jax Hats…mostly because when I put it on, I immediately felt compelled to purse my lips and peer out at the adoring masses over the tops of my sunglasses.

(P.S. Meghan purchased a hat, so the owner let me take a photo :)


Megan and I spent yesterday afternoon talking and strolling around Union Square (Julia and Meghan went off with their respective parents). I’m sick (of COURSE), so the first stop was a drugstore. We also checked out a street fair that sold some pretty incredible mugs and to-die-for hats and window-shopped at the incredible (and incredibly expensive) stores in the area.

Also, a nice young boy bought me some watermelon bubblegum. Aww.


At Julia’s birthday brunch at Perry’s on the Embarcadero (in the Hotel Griffon). Julia ordered pretty much everything on the menu, which was fine by me, ‘cause most of it got piled in my general vicinity. I supplemented my Cobb Salad (which was OK - why does no one ever put enough avocado in anything?) with part of Julia’s french toast, which was just perfect, and a bite of her bagel with lox (always my favorite). The Bloody Marys were boring boring - as basic as could be…and no celery stick, which to me is really the point of ordering a Bloody Mary.

Any suggestions for incredible San Fran-area restaurants that we should visit while we’re here?


SF / Chinese Takeout

Last night ended on the earlier side for Megan and me - we were about to drop from exhaustion - but we did manage to drag ourselves to a Chinese takeout place (the party was in Chinatown) before heading home. I’m usually pretty adventurous about food (especially when I travel), but last night all I could think about was chicken and broccoli. Unfortunately, this conversation was had:

“Chicken with broccoli, please.”

“We have no broccoli.”

“Ok…chicken with water chestnuts, then.”

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