

Thanks to reader Mary Clare, who wrote to tell me about a company started by several members of her family, Viewville offers gallery-quality digital art at affordable prices (as low as $65, which is pretty amazing). I, of course, immediately went to the “Food” section, where I discovered artist Tim Chumley, who slices fruit until he finds a piece that holds color while allowing light to pass through. Above is “Cherry,” which would be stunning in a large size on a stark white wall. 


A few more excellent tips for beating the common cold: 

- Reader Hallie recommends adding lots of garlic to chicken soup: check out my post on the benefits of garlic here and my mom’s chicken stew recipe here.

- Reader Elizabeth recommends eating spicy foods to boost immunity and to drain the sinuses. She’s also a garlic advocate…check out her delicious, garlic-heavy orecchiette here.

- Reader Jenny recommends elderberry syrup (elderberry pictured above) for its infection-inhibiting properties.


My Ex-Boyfriend’s Fever Remedy

Three good things came from my relationship with the actor in LA: Lucy (she was sort of a gift from him), my BCBG wallet (my birthday present from him shortly before I found out he had been cheating on me for, oh, three months or so), and my go-to fever remedy. A few weeks after we first met I became very, very ill with a fever of about 102, and his family remedy had me back on my feet within 24 hours.

(Disclaimer: I am obviously not a doctor, so please: take any medical advice I dole out with the requisite grain of salt. If you have a fever of 101F or higher, experience shortness of breath or stabbing abdominal or chest pains, expel colored mucus, or have any symptoms that last more than 7-10 days, see your doctor.)


1. Draw a bath, as hot as you can stand.

2. Climb in the bath with a hot toddy*, and drink the entire thing, no matter how miserably sweaty and overheated you get. Stay in the bath as long as you can stand, or until it begins to cool.


Wednesday morning, en route to Day 1 of 3 shooting a pilot with Julia and Megan (that’s all the information I can give right now…sorry!). I was a touch jet-lagged and under the weather, so please forgive the sunglasses and slightly sour expression.

P.S. I’m unfortunately unable to use my phone or computer while shooting, so I’ve set up a few fun things to post over the course of the day. Goal: constant, ongoing excitement over here in the land of Domestic Bliss. 

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