

Basically, all that Alpine Avocado Vinaigrette consists of is avocado, olive oil, onion, and garlic, but it tastes exactly like what I want a salad dressing to taste like: fresh and tangy, but not overpowering in the least. I couldn’t find anywhere to buy it online, but I imagine that it’d be easy to make yourself (just puree an avocado, a bit of green onion, and three or four garlic cloves, season to taste, and shake up in a bottle with some excellent-quality olive oil). This would also make a stellar marinade.

UPDATE: If you’d like to order some Alpine Avocado Vinaigrette, call Josh at (720) 319-2655 or email him at


My favorite of the day’s stops: Vesuvio Cafe, on Columbus Avenue, where Megan and I sampled the “Recession Special” (a beer and a shot for $4!). The decor at Vesuvio is absolutely jaw-dropping: kind of Wailea-meets-Woodstock, with wicker chairs, dusty chandeliers, and one totally awesome bartender.


Our choice of venue for lunch reflected our mood. The grilled ham and cheese sandwich was fine, the Bud Lights were better…and the company was spectacular.

(Let’s not even talk about our outfits - we planned on just heading out to grab coffee, and then ended up staying out for hours.)

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