

Weekend Snapshots: Mustaches and Mussels Edition

One of the best side-effects of moving has been that we've made a whole bunch of truly wonderful new friends. Pre-move I remember worrying about that a lot, actually - wondering whether I'd make friends who I just hung around with because...I don't know, we were on the same local committee or something, not because we really had anything in common. Worrying that the years when you bond over the things like enormous life questions and crazy experiences were behind me.

Worry that I wouldn't make friends who - for example - might enjoy a good mustache photo op quite as much as I do.

As it turns out, new parenthood leaves college in the dust when it comes to things like enormous life questions and crazy experiences.


The D.R., So Far…

This week has been pretty stellar.

We're at a Club Med in the Dominican Republic, and yes: as advertised, Club Med (and this one in particular) is an excellent, excellent choice for a vacation with a toddler. The only con, to me, is the food: it's all sorta buffet-style, and totally fine, but not great. If, however, you're a family with kids that wants to have tons of options, have them available all the time, and be able to get in and get immediately back out to the Object Of Obsession (the pool the pool the pool), it's fantastic...and we're firmly in that category, so this place is perfect for us.

This Club Med is also very specifically set up for families: pretty much everyone is here with kids, and it's more or less a child paradise. There's even a "Baby Club" where you can drop off your child in the playground to end all playgrounds (it's enormous, with on-land structures and water-type structures, and incredibly nice staffers, and an indoor, air-conditioned area for naps) while you do adult stuff (I have a trapeze session scheduled for later on today).

Let's back it up to Saturday.


Weekend Snapshots: Big Days And Bouncy Castles Edition

You know how they say that mothers get all nostalgic and weepy and fall into little my-baby's-growing-up-too-fast emotional pieces during the first haircut?


I mean, trust me: I have plenty of weepy my-baby's-growing-up-too-fast moments. Plenty.

This just wasn't one of them; I was more or less thrilled that we made it through the entire experience without tears or, you know...stab wounds caused by contact between a flailing baby head and an errant pair of scissors.


Off To Colorado: In My Carry-On

I'm headed to Colorado for the week with Better TV, filming a bunch of segments on fall/holiday fashion (yes, already). This trip has presented a bit of a packing conundrum, because it's apparently going to fluctuate between sixty degrees and a blizzard during the five days that I'll be there. Oh yes, and I'm bringing wardrobe for five different segments, plus a couple of additional segments that we may or may not film...but at this point aren't exactly certain what said segments might entail.

Which makes them difficult to pack for.

Basically, I'm bringing All The Things.

But here's what I'm bringing in my carry-on (that's an Isabella Fiore satchel).

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