

Links & Love & Stuff

 When my friend (and glam | camp partner) Erin and I first met in person, I knew she had read my site before. But I didn't know the whole story until some time later. I'm fully aware of the presence of communities on the internet that exist to slam bloggers (and me, specifically); that's just par for the course, and while it's no fun, it's also something I understand. Getting to know someone who used to dislike me and mock my work - and then who, over time, became one of my closest friends - has been a pretty amazing experience. (How I Went From Internet Troll To BFF (And Business Partner), via Bustle.)

 Really cute crossbody for a GREAT price.

 Tear. (Farewell, America's Next Top Model, One Of The Greatest Reality TV Shows Ever, via The Cut.)


Morning Glory

morning gloryville

Stretching in the sunrise before entering the madness.

I have never in my life been to a rave.

I think there was a period of time around age 25 when I really wanted to go to one, but for whatever reason (probably that I panic when it gets too late and my bed is still far away from me) it never happened.


City Snaps

In the years before we moved to the West Coast, I became thoroughly disenchanted with New York City. It was too hot in the summer, too cold in the winter. It was too hard to get around the subway system with a stroller, and too expensive to take taxis everywhere. The restaurants were great, but after we moved to Westchester (despite our insistence that "Oh, we'll still come into the city all the time!"), we never went to them.

Not like we knew the good places to go anymore, anyway.

Last week I took a trip to New York that was technically a business trip but that I extended by a couple of days so that Indy and I could spend extra time with my parents, and ended up roaming the streets for hours at a time, stopping into places I remembered and places that only just sprung up in the months since I left.



diaper cream in baby's hair

What can I say? She's committed to her craft.

I mean, you kind of have to respect the sheer volume of effort my daughter put into this. She didn't just slap that diaper cream on; she applied it. Thoroughly.

So after I laughed at the sight of my marshmallow-child - because really, when things like this happen there is nothing else you can do (besides, of course, take a photograph to show your husband so that he believes you when you tell him exactly how bad your day was) - I started the extremely long process of figuring out what the hell to do when your one-year-old paints herself from head to toe with a product that is specifically formulated to repel moisture.

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