

Links & Love & Stuff

Pop Beauty blush and bronzer compact

I discovered this bronzer-and-blush duo on Francesca's makeup table and fell in love. Mostly love that you can get it at the drugstore (or here) for around $25.

Madewell's gift guide is a good one, if you're looking to get an early (well, earlyish) start.

I've been following Yale's Halloween Costume Drama obsessively. It highlights so much of exactly what's wrong with activist culture today. (The New Intolerance Of Student Activism, via The Atlantic.)



Yesterday, on the endless, practically featureless drive down I-5 from San Jose to Los Angeles, my daughter sleeping in her car seat in the back, my (extra-large) Red Bull propped between my knees, I called a bunch of friends, because six hours on the road seemed like a good time to get some catching-up done. "So why are you going to LA?" they asked.

And I had a bunch of answers at the ready: I have no work this week that I can't do remotely; I was in the mood for some girl time; my dad's in town for a few days and I miss him. I wanted to see how Goldie would do on a just-us-two trip (I usually take Indy on weekend trips because he's easier to travel with, but he's got a new school schedule now that I didn't want to disrupt). I have a few colleagues in the area who I've been meaning to meet with for awhile.

See? Lots of reasons.


Autumn In The Air

a beautiful image of mulled wine, lemon, orange, cinnamon and spices

This is not what I look like right now. Pretty dress, though.

Dress (similar) | Blazer (similar)

See that? That photo was chosen because it's a nice autumn-ish image (from a photo shoot I did for TJ Maxx), and not because it in any way resembles what I look like right now.


Lust Object: Crazy Strappy Amazing Boots

Kids in a gravity car in Mill Valley, California

{ Mill Valley, California }

Stuart Weitzman Boots | Zara Camo Jacket (similar)

On Sunday, we drove up to Mill Valley for bahn mi (seriously, the bahn mi place there is good enough that it merits an hour and a half drive...and the drive also presents a way to get the kids to take a nice, long, simultaneous nap, so that's a bonus). We didn't take many photos - just the two you see here, of us sitting in something called a "Gravity Car" - because we weren't doing all that much; just wandering and eating and occasionally stopping into a store. It was a peaceful, largely uneventful day.


The Longest Wait

Jordan Reid in red plaid shirt, jeans and Sorel boots

{ Orenchi Ramen | San Jose, CA }

Old H&M Shirt (similar) | Zara Jeans (similar) | Sorel Boots | Botkier Bag

I would not consider myself an especially patient person. Rush hour traffic, for example? No amount of zen classical music can calm The Rage. There was one time when I had a 10:00AM meeting in San Francisco and left my house at 7:15AM - thinking that nearly three hours should be sufficient for what amounts to an hour-long drive, even in rush hour - and after sitting completely still on I-85 for a solid forty minutes I was about to just park my car on the highway and start walking, because I could not handle the absence of movement for one more second.

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