Yesterday, on the endless, practically featureless drive down I-5 from San Jose to Los Angeles, my daughter sleeping in her car seat in the back, my (extra-large) Red Bull propped between my knees, I called a bunch of friends, because six hours on the road seemed like a good time to get some catching-up done. "So why are you going to LA?" they asked.
And I had a bunch of answers at the ready: I have no work this week that I can't do remotely; I was in the mood for some girl time; my dad's in town for a few days and I miss him. I wanted to see how Goldie would do on a just-us-two trip (I usually take Indy on weekend trips because he's easier to travel with, but he's got a new school schedule now that I didn't want to disrupt). I have a few colleagues in the area who I've been meaning to meet with for awhile.
See? Lots of reasons.