

Links & Love & Stuff

Jordan Reid's children hugging

{ photo via }

glam | camp Candle | Ramshackle Glam Book

 "For every woman we help create a strong business, we vote for ourselves. We tell other women and the little girls who look up to them that we support each other." Cosign so hard. Click here to read a profile on glam | camp - including an interview on how we started, what we believe in, and the truth about the (many) challenges that come along with trying to break into e-commerce (via Fashion Style Beauty).


Gift List

Dylan's Candy Bar Christmas candy tin can from Neiman Marcus

Adrienne Landau Hat | Dylan's Candy Bar Christmas Paint Can

It's tiiiiiiiime.

I am doing literally (and I do mean literally) all of my shopping right here on my couch this year, because despite the fact that I no longer have to brave icy roads and navigate my way through ten-thousand degree stores while wearing marshmallow-shaped coats, I have two children who enter stores this.


Behind The (Blogging) Curtain

A silver cup of pink, red and yellow flowers on a white background

Photographing holiday cocktails...on my bed. Of course.

(Recipe coming soon!)

Whenever I see bloggers post their beautifully framed shots of food or their jeans arranged just-so against white bedsheets on Instagram or wherever, I like to imagine what the scene *really* looked like when they were shooting it. Especially the food shots, because you know that they're literally standing up on a chair in a restaurant to get that perfect top-down angle - but really: it's interesting to imagine pulling back on just about any photo.


The Furry Family

Jordan Reid with her two pet dogs

Everlane Turtleneck | Free People Jeans

I write a lot about how annoying my dogs are. There’s even an entire chapter in my second book dedicated to this subject.

They are. They're totally annoying. After experiencing the mailman coming to the door approximately 20,000 times over the course of his life, Virgil still does not believe that he is not trying to kill him. And Lucy licks my toes. Not in an aw-that-tickles way; in an obsessive way.


We Want To See Your Badass Art!

A Holiday "Stuffing" Sweatshirt for sale on glam | camp

It's the most wonderful caaaarb of the yearrrr.

(Seriously this sweatshirt is my everything.)

It's been about a month and a half since Erin and I opened glam | camp's metaphorical doors, and it's going...surprisingly well, actually. E-commerce, as I was told by virtually everyone who I mentioned the shop to, is a notoriously hard (verging-on-impossible) arena to break into, mostly because there's just so much stuff out there on the Internet to buy - and so many options for where to buy it - that in order for someone to decide to buy *your* product on *your* site a whole lot of pieces have to fall into place.

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