

Links & Love & Stuff

Jordan Reid's holiday gift picks from Neiman Marcus

{ Christmas candy! }

 OK SOOOOO my new book comes out in just a couple of weeks, and I'm having all the flutters. If you'd like to pick up a copy as a holiday gift for the mom-to-be or new mom in your life, you can preorder it here.

 Aaaah this sweater looks like the coziest (and simultaneously most elegant) thing ever.


Light Years Away

mom bod sweatshirt available on glam camp

glam | camp Sweatshirt | Stella McCartney Sunglasses | DIY-ed cutoffs

I've mentioned this sweatshirt before, but since I wore it 100% of the time that I was in LA (which was quite a bit colder than I expected it to be) I thought I'd put up some shots here. It would have been hard not to if I wanted to put up any photos from our quick visit at all, because not only did I wear it all day long; I also wore it all night long (because in the past few weeks, more often than not, I have been "sleeping" - a.k.a. "not sleeping" - topped with a sweaty toddler who insists on being planted on Mama's chest in order to fall asleep). I slept in the sweatshirt in LA because what happened was my daughter passed out on top of me, and despite the fact that I was fully dressed with unbrushed teeth, a full face of makeup, and an arm that had fallen asleep...I passed out too. Like, immediately. At 7:30PM. (It was as raucous of a visit as it sounds like it was.)

I've thought a lot about this particular sweatshirt over the past few weeks, since Erin wrote her post about what her body means to her now that she's a mother and since I wrote this, about my own struggle with my body over the years. Writing that post cored me for a minute, you know. Sometimes writing feels like pulling letters out of thin air, and other times it feels like you're using brute force to remove a thing that's already sitting there, fully formed, inside your head. For a couple of weeks after I wrote that post I felt done with words; tired of thinking about what happened and ready to think about what's happening now.


Family Portrait

Awesome unique family portrait idea

Tell me this isn't the coolest family photo you've ever seen.

You may have noticed in the credits at the bottom of some posts that I've been working with a new photographer (who I happened to find on Thumbtack, actually - that company is like the gift that keeps on giving), Sue Hudelson. I wanted to show you a few of the family portraits she does through her company, Su Casa Portraits, both because if you're in the Bay Area you may be in the market for this kind of thing, and also just for straight-up inspiration, because the holiday season is a good time to gather everybody up and force them to stand in front of a camera. (And if you let them wear Batman costumes and hold chickens, it may take a little less convincing, just saying.)

Posted a few more fun shots below. Love them.


Kendrick’s Gift Guide For Guys: 2015 Edition

Father Of The Year 2015

by Kendrick

Maybe I'm getting old. I mean, not in the semi-facetious way that makes people say, "Who you? Not hardly!" but rather in the curmudgeonly way that can't reconcile today's world - where each day ends, more often than not, with the words "Retrieve Lost Password" flashing across my screen - with the bygone one full of fantasies and laserbeams.

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