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If I could clone this weekend and do it again and again all year long, I totally would.
You may have noticed that we go on what might be considered a bizarre number of day trips, and it's true: I have this thing about getting out of the house on Saturdays and Sundays that verges on the pathological. I used to love just hanging around the house and relaxing on the weekends, but now I actually get depressed if an entire weekend comes to an end and we haven't gone anywhere new. And I think the reason why is that a big part of relaxing is getting away from your workplace, and when you work from home your workplace is...your couch (or theoretically your desk, but I know very few work-from-homers who actually work in the spot they've designated for it, and if we're being honest, I spend most of my workday - including right this very minute - sitting on my bed with my laptop planted on my lap. Which I know you're totally not supposed to do because feng shui and the bedroom should be for sleep, not work and et cetera et cetera but whatever).