

At The Bay

Kids playing on the beach in the winter

{ Jeans (similar) | Boots | Hat | Bag | Blouse }

If I could clone this weekend and do it again and again all year long, I totally would.

You may have noticed that we go on what might be considered a bizarre number of day trips, and it's true: I have this thing about getting out of the house on Saturdays and Sundays that verges on the pathological. I used to love just hanging around the house and relaxing on the weekends, but now I actually get depressed if an entire weekend comes to an end and we haven't gone anywhere new. And I think the reason why is that a big part of relaxing is getting away from your workplace, and when you work from home your workplace is...your couch (or theoretically your desk, but I know very few work-from-homers who actually work in the spot they've designated for it, and if we're being honest, I spend most of my workday - including right this very minute - sitting on my bed with my laptop planted on my lap. Which I know you're totally not supposed to do because feng shui and the bedroom should be for sleep, not work and et cetera et cetera but whatever).


Links & Love & Stuff

Democratic Presidential Candidate Valentine's Day cards from glam camp

 These Democratic Primary candidate Valentine's Day cards are Hillar-ious (hee) and ship for free (!) and will totally get to you on time for V-Day if you order by Feb 8.

 I just picked up my new favorite white button-down at Anthropologie: it's simple and a little flowy and oversized and exactly the refresher my (now extremely pared-down) wardrobe needed.

 It's not perfect (why doesn't curvy Barbie have curvy arms...?), but it's about time. (Will New Body Types Save Barbie? The Evolution of What Used to Be the World's Favorite Doll, via EOnline.)


Magic That’s Real

A review of The Life-Changing Magic Of Tidying Up

I went into The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up - the New York Times Bestseller that's getting a ton of attention in the press and spawning entire movements - with a healthy dose of skepticism. Partially because...well, "life-changing"? I mean...come on. But mostly because I'm huge on throwing stuff out - it's literally one of my favorite things to do - and I suspected that her tips wouldn't be all that revolutionary to someone who's already drunk the "if you don't use it, get rid of it" kool-aid.

I mean, really: I'm constantly paring down the amount of stuff I have (which is considerable, I admit, in large part because I'm always picking up props and such for shoots). I give things away to friends; I sell them; I donate them to Goodwill. I can't stand having items that I don't use or need laying around. And yet, after maybe three hours of culling through my possessions using the philosophies contained in this book:

(I'm putting the photo after the jump because it's ridiculous and I'm so excited)


The Sweet And The Silly

XO pillow as a Valentine's Day gift

XO Pillow

We have a super-romantic Valentine’s Day planned this year. It involves a trip to San Francisco, dim lighting, music, and probably french fries.

That’s right, kids: it’s a four-year-old’s bowling-alley birthday party! Now, if we’re going to be totally honest, this sounds like a pretty spectacular Valentine’s Day to me. I mean, I really like bowling. And kids’ birthday parties (cupcakes! pizza! YES). And I can’t think of any people I’d rather spend the day with than Kendrick, Indy, Goldie, and some of our best friends, whose son we’ll be celebrating.

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