I went into The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up - the New York Times Bestseller that's getting a ton of attention in the press and spawning entire movements - with a healthy dose of skepticism. Partially because...well, "life-changing"? I mean...come on. But mostly because I'm huge on throwing stuff out - it's literally one of my favorite things to do - and I suspected that her tips wouldn't be all that revolutionary to someone who's already drunk the "if you don't use it, get rid of it" kool-aid.
I mean, really: I'm constantly paring down the amount of stuff I have (which is considerable, I admit, in large part because I'm always picking up props and such for shoots). I give things away to friends; I sell them; I donate them to Goodwill. I can't stand having items that I don't use or need laying around. And yet, after maybe three hours of culling through my possessions using the philosophies contained in this book:
(I'm putting the photo after the jump because it's ridiculous and I'm so excited)