

Anna Wintour: The New York Magazine Years (1981-1983)

{ From "Neighborhood Style" by Anna Wintour | New York Magazine, 1983 }

Yesterday morning Erin sent me an email with a link to an old issue of New York Magazine and the subject line "SO GOOD." You can see what she was talking about if you go to here; it's a 1983 issue of NY Mag, and if you scroll down you'll find an article on "Neighborhood Style" by Anna Wintour showcasing interiors from various NYC neighborhoods - everywhere from Greenwich Village to Hell's Kitchen to the Upper East Side, and it really is. SO good.

I couldn't find upload-able images from that article to show you (the above is just a screenshot, and it's a shame to show you these interiors in anything but the highest of hi-res), but my search sent me down a rabbit hole of amazing New York Magazine Anna Wintour shoots from 1981-1983 (when she left to join Vogue) that...well, if you've ever wondered why she's considered such a force of nature, these should clear it up.


An Ode To The BMF

DIY onesie embroidery kit for new moms

Mother's Day is one of those holidays that, the second you give birth to a human being, becomes ENORMOUSLY important. Mostly because it means that you get to sleep in, and then maybe someone delivers you a mimosa.

(Seriously, this is a day that I look forward to all year long. F Christmas; I want breakfast in bed and I want it yesterday.)

BMF Mother's Day Cards }



The Carmel Valley Ranch for families

Carmel Valley Ranch | Carmel Valley, California


Links & Love & Stuff

The glam camp mom bod sweatshirt

 Click over to My Habit for an interview by Ranya Barrett in which I reveal all my habits: the (kind of) good, the (extremely) bad, and the ones that have to do with cheese (which is far too many of them) - plus fashion rules you should break, like, immediately, and a defining moment in my career that just happened.

 Just picked up these striped shorts in preparation for summer and they are PERFECT - they hit at the most flattering spot on your waist, and are short without being too short. (Bought a similar-fitting pair in denim too because they're perfect and because 99% of my cutoffs have had the biscuit.)

 I am OBSESSED with these DIY Onesie Embroidery Kits. They're so, so cute, and such a cool, unique gift for a mom-to-be or new mom.


Adventures With Babies

Baby on the back of a motorcycle

Me and my dad adventuring, circa 1982

You may have noticed that I do a lot of traveling with my kids. It's partially because our family and friends have become increasingly spread out, location-wise, over the years - but mostly because I think that these experiences aren't just "fun" (although they seriously are), they're hugely valuable. I grew up with parents who took me everywhere - usually on the back of a motorcycle, as you can see - and it helped me learn how to be flexible, how to get along in new situations and with new people, and how to look for adventure everywhere. I'm grateful that they gave me that, and it's a gift I want to give my own kids.

Anyway, I get tons of questions about this particular topic - namely how to do it without subjecting yourself to multiple consecutive hours of screaming and misery. It can be done, I promise. Today on The Scenic Route, I'm talking about all the big things that parents worry about when flying with a baby (everything from what to pack in the diaper bag to how to handle it when you can feel other passengers hating you), and revealing the one thing that will never occur to you to pack, and that you MUST.

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