{ Our Pretzel }
Ummmmm I'm sorry, but when did pool floats transform from those blue styrofoam things that you can surreptitiously pick little holes out of because god is that ever satisfying into...pretzels? And rainbow ice pops? And pizza slices and toucans and FLOATING TIKI BARS?
I think it was sometime during the summer of 2015, when all of a sudden everybody with access to a body of water absolutely required a pink donut with a bite taken out of it or a white swan (with a cute boy sitting on it behind you, obviously) in order to live a happy and fulfilled life. This entire thing is clearly Instagram's fault, but I'm okay with it because what it has resulted in is the fact that I can now purchase a set of tiny flamingos who will float peacefully around my pool, delicately cradling my Coors Light and awaiting the moment when I decide that I would like to drink it.