

Good Times, Except For Ikea

Family-friendly bar Jack Rose in Los Gatos, California

Jack Rose | Los Gatos, California

Emu Australia Boots | Stripes Boutique Dress

My parents came into town for Memorial Day Weekend so we could all be together on my 35th birthday, and our weekend was a mix of day trips to fun places with the kids, hanging by the pool, and taking care of stuff around the house (wildly exciting projects like fixing closet door tracks and replacing fluorescents; all things that my dad cares about and I care much less about but do anyway when he's there because he makes me and because whining doesn't work on my father).


Time To Yell

Jordan Reid and son at the beach in California

Carmel-by-the-Sea, California | Memorial Day Weekend

My son's middle name, Henry, comes from his grandfather. He was a veteran of the second World War, and a union organizer and civil rights worker during the McCarthy era (and beyond). I think about my grandpa a lot; he was a thoughtful, passionate, and mostly very kind man. He was the type of person who didn't just say he believed in things; he fought for them, and made sacrifices for them. I think about him even more lately: I picture him sitting at his dining room table, eating a mango and watching the news. He'd be so disappointed - so saddened - by what's happening in our country right now.

The point of today, of course, is to remember the thousands and thousands of men and women who have given their lives in an effort to help make our country what it is. It's a day to think about our country's past, and honor those who have helped to shape it, but I think that it's also a day when we should think about its future - because that's what all those countless servicemen and women were fighting for.


The Great (And Elusive) Family Photo

Even when you're a parent, and even when you know better, you're still a human. And if you're me, that means you get annoyed about having wasted money, and embarrassed about having made a pretty big scene in front of a relative stranger who was clearly not super pleased with the situation. You get mad at a three-year-old, and then, as a bonus, you get mad at yourself. It's as awesome as it sounds.

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