

Ugh Fine

The Ugh, Fine sweatshirt from glam camp

Hell's Kitchen | NYC

I have been DYING to show you this sweatshirt.

This photo was actually taken in NYC when I was there last month, but I'm only posting it now because of a very valuable lesson in retail that I recently learned: please, oh please do not promote a product that you do not have in sufficient quantities to accommodate demand.


In The Deep

Amazing whale watching for orcas in Monterey Bay

Chris' Whale Watching | Monterey Bay, California

A couple of weeks ago, when I was in New York, Erin and I were walking down the street after lunch and a pigeon landed on my head.

Pigeons do not typically land on people's heads. And despite the fact that I screamed like the little girl in The Ring had just come walking out of my television screen during JoJo's one-on-one date, once we - and the other people on the block who had borne witness to my attack-by-bird - recovered, Erin said, "I'm not even surprised. Of COURSE a pigeon just landed on your head." And honestly, I wasn't surprised either.



tiny piece of string

Here is a piece of string. I want to wear it.

See that string? If I could get away with wearing that and nothing else for the remainder of the week, that would be great.

My phone says that it is 102F outside, and our air conditioning just broke. (I mean, of course it did. Because that's how life works.) It is so hot that when we sat down for dinner last night (at 6:30PM, which is not an hour during which one typically melts), the silverware that had been sitting on the table for all of ten minutes was too hot to pick up.

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