

Taking Care

depression and anxiety after having a baby

When there is a string of bad days, I get scared. How much time do I have before everything falls apart? Will I be alone with my daughter when the walls start to crack and crumble, when the roof splits in two, when the sky rushes in to crush me with bad weather?

There is no feeling worse than this: your own children are not safe with you.


I Made Out With A Frog

frog races at greenhorn ranch

Greenhorn Ranch | Quincy, CA 

I'm sorry, in case that headline didn't grab you, let me make sure I'm being as clear as possible:

I didn't just "make out with a frog." I made out with its butt. 


Nothing To Do But What We’re Doing

dude ranch in northern california san francisco bay area

Greenhorn Ranch | Quincy, California

Eddie Bauer Shirt | Frye Boots

I noticed the first Weird Thing about Greenhorn Ranch twenty minutes after we arrived and wandered into the pool area for a pre-dinner swim. There were about ten teenagers hanging around, laying on their stomachs next to the water, tossing rainbow beach balls at each other, and drinking A&Ws in the shade. Something seemed off, but I couldn't put my finger on it for a second. And then I realized what was making the whole scene feel so bizarre:


Off The Grid

Off the grid food trucks in Presidio Park San Francisco

Who knew our picnic blanket would be such a hit?

(Check out 11 Inexpensively Awesome Bay Area Dates)

I've been meaning to go to Off The Grid - a gourmet mobile food market that travels around the Bay Area - for months now, and when I went up to stay in San Francisco with Morgan for the night we decided to take all our many, many children to the Presido Picnic. (To clarify, we technically only have four children between us, but four people under age 5 who have been plied with M&Ms and then released into the wild feels like approximately twenty.)

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