

Sartorial Joy, Ahoy

Nordstrom's annual anniversary sale best picks

Sick and tired of summer clothing yet? (Me neither.)

I'm about to make you feel way better about the approach of fall: Nordstrom's most massivest (yes that's a word) sale of the year has arrived, and it is even better than I thought it'd be (and I thought it'd be pretty freaking great).

Because I know you have better things to do than sit in front of a computer this weekend, I went ahead and did the deal-hunting for you. I culled through the entire sale (and trust me, there was a LOT of stuff to cull through) in search of the very best pieces at the very best prices...which means that now all you have to do is pick which boots or wrap coat or jeans you want to be the centerpiece of your fall wardrobe.


I Gave My Daughter My Last Name, And This Is Why

The women in my family are great deniers of their own worth. They are whip-smart, loving but self-denigrating, victims of the circumstances of women generally for their respective times. My maternal grandmother was a college student when she got pregnant with my mother, and dropped out to raise a family. My father’s mother lived to serve others until the day she died, making virtuous practice of self-denial.


New Release: ‘Deep Blue Dream’ by Sabine

Sabine Deep Blue Dream with Francesca Vannucci photographed by Jordan Reid

A couple of months ago, I headed into the desert to shoot some images to accompany Sabine's new release cowritten by Darian Zahedi, and I can finally share the song with you. Click through to check out 'Deep Blue Dream' on Soundcloud (where you can also download it from iTunes or listen to other songs by The Sabine), and see an exclusive first look at the cover image for the single. (THE IMAGE IS NSFW, so please be aware before clicking through.)


Riding In Cars With Kids (And Why I’m Not As Crazy As I Look)

how to day trip with kids stress free

(Relatively) stress-free day trips with kids are totally possible 

As a family, we are very, very bad at staying put. Even when we fly off to some faraway destination together, we have a tendency to hop into our rental car and explore other places –  even if it’s only for a few hours here and there. It's partially a desire to really get to know a place beyond what you might "expect" to see - but I think it's mostly just that we really love being in the car together.

But we do have two children under age five, and trust me: plenty of our friends have expressed confusion about the fact that my husband and I actively seek out time in the car. “But Jordan,” they ask, “isn’t that…kind of…the worst?”

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