

Wear It Wherever

Potato chips: the accessory that never goes out of style.

Vintage Dress (similar)  All Saints Sandals  Sunglasses

One of my most constant refrains, when it comes to clothing: "It's super cute. I have nowhere to wear it." And it's true: jeans and t-shirts just make more sense for a job that mostly involves sitting in front of a computer, and a life that involves children who run really, really fast, mostly in the direction of things that they shouldn't run towards, like the edges of cliffs and such.


Five Things I Don’t Want Anyone on the Internet to Know About How I Parent My Child

Five things I don't want the internet to know about how I parent my child

Ah, the Internet, the mostly mythical village where mothers come seeking support, and mostly click off feeling mildly judged and crisply jealous of someone else’s postpartum abs. If you’re looking for another article about why you should’ve breastfed for three more years (too late now) or you’re fishing for a panic attack spawned by another global tragedy, the Internet would like you to take a seat in its wide lap.

The Internet is also a place where we can choose the parts of ourselves, our days, that we wish to present. We can be sure that all of our photos only show us from the waist up, share articles from the New Yorker that makes us seem impossibly intelligent, and #humblebrag about how we spent the day with our kids going on adventures because we are a Cool Mom. Despite what I share, I am usually wearing yoga pants, reading about some trashy political scandal, and contemplating why Legoland even exists.

Here are some of the things I don’t generally share on the internet about how this whole parenting thing is going:



coco rocha haute mess for vogue

Oh so that's where my Twix bars went.

It was the snowboarding glove that made me realize just how far I've come from this glorious day; the day when I got rid of a studio apartment's worth of possessions. I have not seen that glove's partner in a good five years, and yet - despite the fact that we have moved three times since I last laid eyes on it - I am absolutely positive it will turn up someday. It has been sitting either on or under that bench (which is located in my bedroom, in my direct line of vision) for six months, at least. It is dusty. I don't have any idea how or why it came to live on my bench, or why, but it has at this point become a part of my daily landscape; I regard it fondly, like a slobby little friend who I know I can call on in a pinch for all of my snowboarding-glove needs.

I have used it once, actually: as a makeshift gardening glove to help my neighbor weed her garden. After I was done I gave it a shake to get off the dirt, and plopped it right back down on the bench in my bedroom. Where it belongs.


Beautifully Odd

Now this looks like a good wedding.  

Take a look at the photo below this paragraph. See anything missing? Like maybe on the far left side of my ring finger? Sigh. (This isn't actually a huge deal; diamonds that size tend to cost relatively little to replace so long as you're not a stickler for quality, which I'm not. And besides, Kendrick has weird radar for locating tiny, sparkling things like earring backs and wayward stones, so it'll probably turn up somewhere.)


Sartorial Joy, Ahoy

Nordstrom's annual anniversary sale best picks

Sick and tired of summer clothing yet? (Me neither.)

I'm about to make you feel way better about the approach of fall: Nordstrom's most massivest (yes that's a word) sale of the year has arrived, and it is even better than I thought it'd be (and I thought it'd be pretty freaking great).

Because I know you have better things to do than sit in front of a computer this weekend, I went ahead and did the deal-hunting for you. I culled through the entire sale (and trust me, there was a LOT of stuff to cull through) in search of the very best pieces at the very best prices...which means that now all you have to do is pick which boots or wrap coat or jeans you want to be the centerpiece of your fall wardrobe.

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