We're going to Disneyland in a few days - the trip is Kendrick's birthday present - and I need help please, because my head is full of visions of panicking, overheated children who must sit on our shoulders and/or heads in four-hour-long lines and who end up eating so much cotton candy that, in the throes of a madcap sugar high, they end up physically levitating off of the It's A Small World ride. I'm also picturing accidentally parking on the Disney equivalent of Mars, and ending up accidentally boarding a shuttle that just goes around and around and around and eventually lets us off at, like, the airport. And fifty-dollar hot dogs; picturing lots of those.
I am SO EXCITED about this trip, in case that wasn't clear from my first paragraph. Kendrick's never been to Disneyland; I've only been as a four-year-old (which I don't remember) and as a jaded adult, and I'm dying at the idea of watching Indy and Goldie experience it for the first time. (Indy has heard tell of some show where you get to actually use the - real! actual! - Force, and is freaking out about it, and my daughter, when asked if she'd like to meet Princess Aurora, declared, "No. I'M Princess Aurora." Okay, then.)