
Crafts for the Uncrafty

The Season Of Lazy Is Upon Me

bohemian outfit for a renaissance faire with wings

Bag (similar) | Skirt | Blouse (similar)

The overt purpose of this photograph, taken at last weekend's Renaissance Faire, is to show you the wings that I am wearing. But before we get to that, I think that you should be aware that as relatively serene as I appear in this image, approximately five minutes after this was taken our daughter commenced what was literally - LITERALLY - the most epic meltdown she has ever had. And she is two years old, so we're talking about a serious achievement.

See, what happened was that we did nothing at all, and this made her so furious that she decided to do a sort of full-body whiplash-thing while cracking her skull against my eye socket and chin (over and over) while I tried desperately to calm her via the delivery of things with sugar in them and an uncomfortably loud public rendition of Part Of Your World, and while passers-by looked on in what was unquestionably horror mixed with intense judgment of our parenting skills.


Ugh FINE (Take 4,560,099)

In case you weren't sure, this is Beyonce, not me. I do have this sweatshirt though.

There have been approximately three zillion times in my life when I have definitively declared myself irreversibly opposed to A Thing, only to discover that said Thing is (annoyingly)...

ok fiiiiiiine...


Out Of Office

Photos of bubbles underwater close up

Took this photo on the Finding Nemo submarine ride and kind of love it.

P.S. This ride is the most adorable thing ever, and yet made my 2-year-old scream like Linda Blair.

P.P.S. The spinning teacups - my own personal Ride From Hell - went over much better with her.

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