

Pre-Halloween Partying, Just For Fun

Halloween 2016 campbell california

Gang's all here.

AUGH Halloween photos are the best. These were taken at a neighboring town's pre-Halloween event over the weekend; the town closes down Main Street for a few hours in the early evening so all the local businesses can hand out candy to the kids. When our friends who live in the town suggested we come by and join them for some strolling and Snickers-collecting we said sure, obviously, because it sounded adorable. It ended up being a little more like a Yo Gabba Gabba concert on steroids (if you've ever been to a Yo Gabba Gabba concert you know exactly what I'm talking about, and what I'm talking about is hysteria), but even though negotiating those crowds with a stroller and two massively over sugared children wasn't exactly my idea of a relaxing Sunday afternoon, it was still...



The glam | camp Holiday Shop Is Open For Business

Um this blanket is SO COZY.

Because nothing says "Halloween Weekend" like...Christmas stockings (seriously though, the Christmas stockings are super cute).

November 1st - a.k.a. the day when the plastic spider rings and "Mommy's Little Pumpkin" onesies get moved out of stores in anticipation of endless aisles of glow-in-the-dark Santas and mountains of cinnamon-scented pinecones - is nearly upon us, so if you'd like to start extra early this year, go ahead and take 15% off of anything in our Holiday Shop using code JUMPTHEGUN through 11/1.


Links & Love & Stuff

My angel. (IG @ramshackleglam)

I spent a few days last week visiting my in-laws in Ohio so they could spend some time with the kids, and do you know what I got to do while I was there? See a movie. By myself. And then take a casual stroll around Old Navy. BY MYSELF. (I picked up the floral henley pictured on my daughter above and a collared shirt that my son might actually deign to wear.)

 One more thing I found on that Old Navy trip (and the only reason I haven't mentioned this perfection yet is that it deserves its own post, but I have been extremely unphotogenic for the past four days, let's just do it): this absolutely must-have long-sleeved top. It is entirely unexciting, but is also now the only thing in my closet that I want to wear. It is 100% cotton, and soft, and the perfect shape, and cozy, and goes with everything, and you need to own it. Especially since it's like ten bucks. (Really.)

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