

Want To Play Secret Santa? (You’re Going To Love This)

My friend Kelly Van Halen - whom I've written about here before - makes the coziest, softest, most adorable baby blankets on the planet...and she's giving them away. Like, a lot of them. For free.

If you know a baby or a mom-to-be who could use a little extra love this holiday season, just go over to KellyVanHalen, enter the recipient's information, let them know whether you'd like to send the gift anonymously or sign it, and they'll send over a blanket valued at $ of charge (while supplies last, of course). Really; there is virtually no catch - and I know this sounds too good to be true, but Kelly just wanted to do something really special this holiday season.

Happy Holidays. Go play Secret Santa for someone who needs it.


On Tuesdays, We Post Possessed Cat Videos

I don't typically post stuff like this, but this is Francesca's cousin's cat and I feel very strongly that you need to meet him. This video will make your morning, and perhaps your entire year, and 2016 was let's make it better with videos of possessed karate cats, shall we?


Links & Love & Stuff

When your lollipop matches your lip balm. (This was part of a mailing sent by Korres to promote their lip butters, and I just want to call it out as an example of truly excellent marketing: they packaged the lip butters with matching lollipops, and the whole thing was so pretty and visual that it practically screamed "Instagram me.")

 These look like nursing shoes and I can hear my mother making fun of me for liking them from all the way across the country but whatever: CUTE.

 The pose! The colors! The ripped upholstery! This article is FASCINATING.  (Why Time's Trump Cover Is A Subversive Work Of Political Art, via Forward.)


Gifts For The Girls (And For You)

A couple of weeks ago, Kendrick asked me what I want for Christmas this year. The truth is that I want a flushmount light for our dining room (this one, if you're curious, although this one is the one that I actually am considering purchasing because even though it's teeeeechnically not a flushmount it could be adjusted to hang close to the ceiling and is way cheaper).

But enough about my flushmount fantasies. I literally cannot think of anything less romantic to ask for than "a flushmount light," and Kendrick is nothing if not romantic, so I'm going to buy the thing myself at some point and give him options that won't make him look at me like this.

This year, of course, the focus is on the kids - because they are at the cutest possible age for Christmas excitement (and I totally want to capitalize on this by getting my son a kitten, because he would explode, but that would mean that I would have to actually own and care for a cat, - and I don't want Kendrick to spend too much time (or money) on me, so I passed a couple of ideas his way, neither of which include the word "flush" in the title. And in the course of coming up with these ideas, I came up with lots and lots more...and posted them here for you, in case you need some ideas of your own. They start at just $12, and I love each and every one. (OK, I love the last one the most.)


Kendrick’s 2016 Gift Guide For Guys

That's a seriously accurate depiction of our family, right there.

For this year's installment of Kendrick's gift guide - which in the past has focused on everything from comic book recommendations to toys for grown-up boys - he decided to pull ideas from all over the place. Is the guy in your life a fan of covert ops? The Notorious B.I.G.? Cleveland? Expressing his support for all mankind? Covering all that may sound like a tall order, but ohhhh he's got you covered. - Jordan

P.S. See all of his past gift guides here, if you're curious.

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