


As I go to hit the "publish" button on this post, I find myself remembering that there is a much less family-friendly interpretation of the word "tenting."

I am going to hit publish anyway, because I think that's funny.

We are now officially People Who Camp. I have declared this to be so via the ordering of several hundred dollars worth of camping supplies on Amazon. (The goal being to be able to vacation easily and inexpensively over the longer-term, and to make our kids happy because, as it turns out, they're obsessed with camping.)


Ten Last-Minute Mother’s Day Gifts That Will Arrive By Mother’s Day (If You Order Them Now)

Mother's Day is this weekend. If you're not reading this and thinking "Yes, I know," you're probably in a bit of trouble if you happen to have a mother or mother-to-be in your life who will be super pissed off if she wakes up on Sunday morning and no mimosa is present.

I put together a quick list of (very) last-minute gift ideas that will all arrive at your house in time for Mother's Day...if you order now. Like right now.

So maybe stop reading this and start scrolling down?

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