

Links & Love & Stuff

Here is my Glossier face (the products I used for this look: Super Glow SerumPerfecting Skin TintStretch ConcealerCloud Paint in Dusk, Boy Brow in Blonde, Balm Dotcom in Rose, and Generation G Lipstick in Cake, plus Make Up For Ever Liquid Eyeliner and a dark brown NARS shadow). If you missed it the first time, a video with my totally unfiltered thoughts on Glossier is here.

Do your upcoming travel planes include things like planes and babies? You'll be fine. Probably. Read this first, in any case: So Many Babies On A Plane (Or How To Make It Through A Long Flight With Kids).

I definitely compared having dogs to having kids back in the day, and now I completely understand why these statements were met with either eye-rolls or outright fury. Dogs bite you way less than kids do, poop outside, and tend not to have meltdowns over whether they're allowed to watch another Bubble Guppies episode. Ergo, dogs are not kids. (Saying Your Dog Is Your 'Baby' Is An Insult To Moms Everywhere, via Pop Sugar.)


What You Need To Know About charity: water (And An Invite)

If you don't know about charity: water already, let me introduce you. The organization builds wells in developing countries - over 22,000 so far - thereby providing millions of people with access to life-saving water. Because their operational costs are completely paid for by private donors, every single dollar they raise goes directly towards funding water projects, and they pride themselves on total transparency and accountability, even providing donors with GPS coordinates so they can see where in the world each of their dollars went. Rather than offering a one-size-fits-all solution, they work with local experts to build wells that are tailored to the specific needs of the community they serve, and that are sustainable over the long-term.

All this sounds great, right?

I can spout talking points at you about exactly why this charity is so important all day long. Instead, though, I'd like to show you something.


Life Updates (And Presents)

The Mom Bod now comes in a lightweight, perfect-fitting (and super soft) t-shirt, hooray!

Time for a few Life Updates, because I've been feeling kind of distant from the site these past few weeks, and if I feel this way it's probably something you've noticed, too. Or maybe I'm just projecting. Regardless: I feel all weird and writer's block-y, which is not something I'm used to feeling, and I'm trying to put a finger on why. (And don't worry, we'll get to the "present" part of this post soon enough; if you're impatient just hop on down to the bottom ;).

Here's the problem: the things that are occupying my mind at the moment are either things that I can't really talk about in detail because of contracts and such, or things that have to do with the boring side of running a business - which isn't boring to me, but also doesn't make a ton of sense to write about - or things that just don't really make for compelling content (anyone interested in hearing about this morning's trip to Target in search of battery-operated solar lights...? ...Anyone?). I'm spending massive amounts of time working on business development, and the time that I'm not spending on that I'm spending with my kids and husband, and with my friends. More often than not, I'm forgetting to take photographs or mental notes while I'm doing this...and to me that feels like something I'd like to roll with, at least for a minute. You know?

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