

Pretty Much

ramshackle glam kids jordan Reid

This is not the face of someone without a diabolical plan.

In lieu of an actual, information-containing post today - because I have to spend the day working on an insane number of side projects (including logistics surrounding a verrrrrrryyyyy exciting project that I'll be able to formally announce in a week or so - hint: book book book book book), allow me to present to you a series of outtakes from the holiday gift guide shoot I did with Kim Ebbets last night.

Just trust me and scroll down slowly. It's so good.


Links & Love & Stuff

YAY FALL. (That vest is vintage and real fur, but here's an insane, luxe faux version that's similar, except better because it's insane and luxe and faux.)

This is exactly the time of year to invest in a cozy, wonderful pair of pajamas. Here you go. Also if you don't own these boots yet, go ahead and do yourself a favor because you will wear them every fall and winter for the rest of your life (mine are going on seven years old, and still look practically new.)

Everything about the idea of sending my children to middle school strikes fear into my (apparently still 13-year-old) heart. (Being Left Out Hurts: Moms, Stop Social Engineering, via Today.)


Time To Talk About It

I'm putting up a link roundup today and it's all pajama suggestions and fun reads, and...I just can't hit publish without posting this first, because pajamas are not where my head's at.

You know, I was brought up believing that guns - all of them - are bad. Nobody should have a gun; all they do is perpetuate violence; et cetera.

That's not what I think anymore; I've formed my own opinions about guns and gun owners. I can't think of a single reason for any human being to own an assault rifle, but I'm friends with many people who own shotguns or pistols, and I understand and respect their choices. They are - without exception - extremely knowledgeable about their guns, having been raised to respect them for what they are: deadly weapons. They would be more than happy to submit to a background check at any point, because why wouldn't they?


The New-Parent Sex Situation (Spoiler: It Ain’t Good)

Let's talk about the post-baby sex situation, shall we? Spoiler: It ain't good. I know it; all of my parent friends know it; you probably know it. And still: it's easy to feel embarrassed - even ashamed - about how much (or, ok, how little) you have sex with your spouse once a tiny, screaming human arrives on the scene.

When sex suddenly starts feeling less like an awesomely fun pastime and more like an exhausting obligation, it's easy to wonder whether something's wrong with you.

Can we clear the air, please?

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