

The “Santa Won The Lottery” Gift Guide

Sometimes you gotta go big or go home.

For this list, I asked a few editors, authors, friends, and assorted very cool people to tell me what they'd ask Santa for if Santa had recently come into a very large and unexpected inheritance and/or won a class-action lawsuit.

(The number of people who asked for an escape hatch of some sort - a.k.a. a time-travel machine or an island in the middle of the ocean - was spectacular, if not surprising.)


Pretty Much

ramshackle glam kids jordan Reid

This is not the face of someone without a diabolical plan.

In lieu of an actual, information-containing post today - because I have to spend the day working on an insane number of side projects (including logistics surrounding a verrrrrrryyyyy exciting project that I'll be able to formally announce in a week or so - hint: book book book book book), allow me to present to you a series of outtakes from the holiday gift guide shoot I did with Kim Ebbets last night.

Just trust me and scroll down slowly. It's so good.

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